Friday, January 1, 2016

Meanderings One.

The promise of warmth drove me toward Los Angeles. I had never been there, and the hatred bred within my Colorado heart to abhor that city needed to be confirmed, or denied. Looking out across that wind-swept desert, stretching out between Grand Junction and the Sierras, filled me with excitement.

What drivel.

The cars made their goings down the highway I lived off of. The slamming of car doors, opening and closing, kept me awake in my drowsy sleep of imperfection - too hot, too cold, somewhere in the middle, but anxious. 

The cars are our protective bubbles. They replaced the horse, whose majesty evolved alongside our own. But now, we had evolved our own mechanical slaves that run on ancient sunlight and come with climate control.  Driving through the Reservation, looking into the expanse of a black and cloudy night, and so little infrastructure, wondering what the car has brought the American Indian - is it the same power as the horse?

I wondered if the Indian selling shoddy jewelry at the gas station was truly in need of a tank of gas. After we drove off into that dry and frigid night, my fingers cracking from the lack of moisture, shame overwhelmed me. I should have given something. But, lacking job and taking this trip on credit and with the hope my new degree would bring a career, we were, ourselves, in the beans-and-rice times.  Yet, here I sat, comfortable in my car-bubble, free from fear of the frigid cold, and that Indian was peddling jewelry for gas. 

I hate myself. 

I hate my culture. My race.
My Programming.

I can’t get his face out of my mind, my fear of him, my shame of where he is, of where I am, because of all those before me have taken. Have, ‘won.’

I could have helped. I should have helped. But years seeing those around me fall to addictions have programmed me to believe most asking for money are asking for fuel, not to feed their protective bubble cars, but to feed their damage with substances that make them forget. I cannot give through channels of peddling and cardboard signs, with that money possibly feeding someone’s need of bottle or powder.

How Imperial.

We drove on, after I tainted their water with my Imperial urine, to defeat the storm that came upon him that night. And I couldn’t spare a tank of gas.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Thoughts of a Colorado Scorched Nihilist.

The fire had scortched her heart like it had seared the hillside.  The trees stood like black sentinels overlooking her downhill valley drive toward money.  Black sentinels that reflected the scar she had experienced in mentally giving up everything, yet winding up losing nothing.  They reigned on the horizon, and reminded her of the futility of it all.

Nothing felt better than being in the FJ.  Driving in the FJ made her feel in control, ready to drive away from any harm that came at her.  She could think in the FJ, knowing it was hers, her big blue ox, taking her into the forest, to remember her origins.

She loved her woman.  She loved holding her at night, hugging her tightly as her body became more toned - she could get closer to her lover's core as she lost weight, and it made the love linger longer in the morning.  The morning would come, bright with anticipation of newness, of birth, of hope, only to be dashed by chasing the money to give to a landlord and the debtors who don't care.

Death didn't seem like the end in nature the way it felt in the cultural construct of the mental framework of neurons derived from years of social conditioning.  She looked at the sentinel trees, lonesome in their death, yet their sacrifice gave more life to the understory, and the grasses and shrubs had already begun to fill in.  Death gave new life.  She thought of that, recalling a week prior releasing her father's cremains on the tundra.  His ashes lingered there for a while, defying the wind, and then dispersing to provide new carbon to the alpine.

Tomorrow she would have to return to the concrete palace of her monetary need.  She did not look forward to it.  She hoped it would be different, that something positive would happen, that the monotony wouldn't be as painful or as empty of meaning as the morning drive felt.  She hoped it wouldn't be hurtful, that kindness would discover her, that compassion would dance in her heart and she would remember the joy she had in lovemaking on her weekend.

Her lover's health concerned her.  She looked at her silent sleeping lady, curled up with the black cat stray who had chosen her, and wondered if she could ever provide the economic stability needed to make her lover not hurt so much physically.  She couldn't think of anything but to go back to school.  She wanted to provide for her beloved, for her beloved was the kind of soul-family that is so  perfect it defies logic and science.  It was a phenomenon, and it was to be treasured.  The cat placed his paw on her arm as she typed, and the silence of his love and her lovers arm wrapped around her waist was all she lived for.  It was divine, if there was divinity at all.

On the dusk drive not too many evenings ago, she saw an owl.  The owl looked right at her and her lover, as if to burn it's intense energy into them.  The owl healed the burn caused by the fire; it reminded the women of unity, of the greater picture.  But those symbols fade into the grey of concrete and cash and debt, and soon they were afraid once more.

The woman had woken this morning to the image of her beloved being t-boned in the corolla.  The corolla didn't have adequate protection from those kinds of impacts.  She received the call, coming from her in-laws, who the State had deemed next of kin.  She didn't even know her beloved hadn't made it into work.  She held her crumpled and cold body in the morgue, her tears falling on it's hard lifelessness.

What is the purpose of life?  To torture the soul with the hope of eternal love?  To taunt the inner child into believing it isn't broken?  All I know is that my beloved and my cats mean more to me than money, more to me than happiness, and more to me than false dreams of a broken childhood.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sense of Self

I cannot contain it any longer.  This sense of self has built up a pressure which begs release.

I was 21 and had just recently discovered that I couldn’t stop being interested in the occult, and that I couldn’t stop being interested in women.  I couldn’t hold it back, and I was scared.  My interest in women led me to seek other beliefs because I always felt like the judeochristian god had made a mistake in making me.

I read a passage in the bible late at night, and that passage mentioned something about how people who denied the judeochristian god would burn for eternity in a lake of fire.  I was terrified: how could this god state that he loved me, yet also state that I was a blasphemous entity who sinned simply by desiring women?  I had wanted girls since I was in 2nd grade.  I remember asking mom when I was in grade 3 if it was okay to have a crush on someone even if it was a girl, and mom said no, that girls were supposed to like boys.  For 13 years I had tried to hide this, tried disparately to like boys, even got drunk to try to have sex with one of them, and the time had come where I couldn’t deny it any longer: I was a lesbian, and if that was true, God had made a mistake with making me, and if god made a mistake, then perhaps the entire Bible was also a mistake, so why should I trust it any longer?

I sobbed myself into a frenzy, knowing that if the Bible was true, I was going to spend eternity in hell simply because I was a lesbian, and I couldn’t deny it anymore.  I sobbed into my pillow and hoped that maybe magic existed, and maybe God could also be a Goddess, and that maybe women weren’t the dirty little ribs they were projected in countless verses in that holy book.  Maybe me liking girls wasn’t a mistake, maybe God didn’t make mistakes, and only humans did, and the humans writing that book were all men and perhaps they were flawed, too.

I was whimpering into my pillow, hoping for sleep to come to my endless insomnia, crying out to the god I had loved all my life not to smite me for feeling how I felt, and I felt a presence come into the room.  I had felt the presence before, once as a child as I tried to sleep after a nightmare.  It was solid golden love, the kind of white light the sun puts out when you stare at it midday.  It was feminine, but it was also masculine, but it felt more mothering in that moment than it felt fathering.  It came to me and held me in my sobbing, and gave me a presence of love and gratitude and appreciation for my simple existence that I stopped crying and simply felt held.  Held like I was a baby in it’s arms, held like I had never been held before.  

It told me all the answers to all the questions I asked that night.  It even told me about aliens, and how all the fearful conspiracies I was scared of wouldn’t really matter even if based in truth, because I was being looked after, and I was loved as much as I felt in that moment all the time.  I just couldn’t be aware of it all the time because I was distracted by reality.  It told me I wouldn’t remember most of what we talked about because now wasn’t the time for me to remember all that, but instead to remember I was connected to divine love all the time, no matter what I felt, no matter how bad it got.  

I asked if there was a mental or physical image I could remember and recount that would quickly remind me of it’s love for me, and my specialness simply by Being.  It gave me warmth, and the sunny golden white color, and this color surrounded our universe, which was expanding into it, but it was greater than the universe and held the universe in it’s hand.  That golden white then pricked into the universe in a wormhole like stream, like the wormhole of Farscape films, and spiraled throughout the universe and into our galaxy, and had tethers to all the other galaxies and solar systems we passed in that white light.  It then came into our solar system, spiraling and threading around all the planets, encompassing all the planets, but then it finally got to earth, and split up like a root system around the earth.  The earth was surrounded by this light of love, and each single tether was connected to every single person, and everyone had the umbilical chord of divine white light connecting them to it all the time, and connecting us all in a grid to one another, and ultimately every single thing in the universe.  The image then zoomed out, and the entire universe was encompassed by this white light, and it was everywhere, even though at first it looked as though the two were separate.  I then felt extreme joy and love, struggling to stay awake, and the loving goddess like entity said, you will sleep now my dear, and remember this forever.

this conscious awareness of a universal grid of love has governed my life for years.  It wasn’t easy at the beginning.  I woke that morning and wrote everything down into a word document entitled “God.”  That document was never found again, nor was my printed copy of it.  It said I would forget, all but the image, and I did, but I never lost the sense of the grid, and I never stopped feeling th e love teeming into me from whatever that entity represented.  

I never wanted to be deeply spiritual, but this awareness of this collective love from the white light of golden appreciation has changed all that.  I sought to ignore it in science and agnosticism, but I couldn’t, as it would scream at me to remember.  I was cut off from it when I focused on the pain of the world, the injustice, the rape of women, the death of animals, the BP spill.  All of that grieved me into states of depression that left me with no hope, wanting to die, attempting to die.  Being a lesbian in a nation so wrought with Christian ideology, I felt like a blasphemer, and I tried to end my life because of it.  I was hospitalized, I was persecuted for being gay, I was shamed.  And I made it through.  

I have made it through in large part because of that night long ago.  All I wish to do is share this love that I have found.  It will sound insane.  It will sound like I am very individualistically selfish, but I have come to realize my sense of self is as broad as the light which came to me that evening.  You and I truly are one, and it doesn’t matter how different we are, we are the same, connected by the same grid, the same love, and all I want to do is love you as much as I can.  I want to love as deeply as possible for as long as possible in this physical form, because I know that the awareness of love can heal and be the catalyst for moving things which are distractions from this love.  All of the suffering is but a contrasting shadow to challenge us to be more.  It is there so we can desire something better, no matter what that contrast is to you, it is present simply to make you be something greater tomorrow than you are today.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How I Will Vote Today, and Why.

I am posting how I will vote today, because I think as a member of a tail of a population, it is statistically interesting.  Also, I think I'm funny and want to write me down some political humor.  Here is a link to a sample of my ballot:

I did a lot of research, as much as possible on the judges in particular.  I don't mind if you disagree with everything I post, and I don't mind if you agree, JUST VOTE!  I try to base my vote on human rights equality and on changing a system I find to be broken (which is a laugh - systems as broken as our nation pretty much need to implode and start anew, but whatever we'll play the game).

El Paso County Ballot issues specific to my local region:
President:  Barack Obama
Why:  He at least entertains the idea that LGBT persons deserve equality; he is liked by countries who were polled that I admire and respect; Bush put us in a pretty crappy situation and I think this guy is really trying to keep us afloat, but I certainly do not agree with a majority of what he practices and preaches, such as getting my vote in the first election, then strengthening the sketchy Patriot Act.  If I could vote for anyone and have it count, I'd vote for Barbara Marx Hubbard with Ralph Nader as her second in command, but that's simply not possible yet so I'll have to choose something other than a corporate businessman who shipped manufacturing jobs out of country to save some dough, and who continues to consider homosexuals less than deserving of equality.

HR District 5:  Dave Anderson, Unaffiliated
Why:  This guy is very eager in strengthening local economies.  He is also an advocate for transparency of food, seems to be all about buying locally and supporting local farms, and is level-headed enough to attack these issues directly.  I would rather him than Dough Lamborn, who literally told Beth in an email he 'understood her desire for civil union equality, but simply would not vote yes to it' presumably due to his religious beliefs.  I can't vote for a man who is so closed-minded on the topic of diversity.

Regent CU:  Daniel Ong, Libertarian.
Why:  I'm sick and tired of the Republicrat Demicant option.  Daniel Ong graduated from CU as a non-traditional student, and saw how economically difficult it was for nontraditional students to graduate from college, and vies to support their population in education.  I am in considerable debt because of CU, and I'd like to see someone as the regent who supports a person like me returining to school, completing an education, and not winding up a debt slave.  He seems like the best choice for this.

Regent CU, District 5: Undecided and undereducated information to vote.
Why:  Not a single person from the UCCS region answered the questions posed by CU students with regard to the positions at hand for this election.  I think that verifies the continual fact I see that COLORADO SPRINGS IS LAME.  I do not like Hybl and would not like to see him retained, however he at least works to give money back into the community.  I am unsure about this one.

State Senate, District 12: Dave Respecki
Why:  Both the other candidates, James Michael Bristol and Bill L. Cadman are in favor of traditional marriages as being those between a man and a woman.  Bill Cadman, as the State Senate Minority leader, blocked LGBT equality in the recent vote in favor of an amendment to ensure us equal rights with civil unions in Colorado.  I will not vote for such a person, and I cannot fathom how the vote nearly went through, and persons like Bill Cadman voted in favor of THEOCRACY, rather than equality.  Dave Respecki has little to say on this issue, but sometimes actions speak louder than words, and the other options sound dire to me.

State Representative, District 20:  Goldenborough
Why:  Bob Gardner, the current Representative (Republican) also responded negatively to Beth and my plea to him regaring passing the civil union bill.  He stood in favor of Christian theocracy versus human rights equality, and therefore Goldenborough gets my vote.


Retain Supreme Court Justice Coats
Why:  He seemed very level headed and neutral with the cases I reviewed, and I think level-headedness and balance is essential to justice being properly carried out.

Court of Appeals:  Retained all but Graham.  What he gave his time to gave me the willies.  Sure, not necessarily educated, but instinct ruled him out.

District Judges, 4th Judicial:  Retained all but Schutz
Why:  I would prefer to see more humanists and less Judeo-Christians in seats of power.  A bias indeed, but I think people need to keep their beliefs out of court, and most persons are not big enough to do that.  I kept Sells, a known Christian, because Bill Ritter put him in, and I don't think Ritter would do that if the guy wasn't balanced.

County Commissioner District 3:  Morris
Why:  Too many Republicans down here, we've got to balance it somewhere, to create some level of comprehension in the minds of those in powers that we'd prefer diversity.  It's another option where I feel I have little choice because both parties are identical to me, but I'd prefer someone who isn't all about Neoconservatism than the opposite.

Amendment S:  No
Why:  I don't like seeing a change in status in any area of employment where temporary worker status increases from 6months to 9months.  I've been a temporary worker in Colorado, and we don't have a lot of rights being a place of at-will employment, and to extend that sketchy temp-period of time for state employees sounds really scary for those people and more like slavery than anything else.

Amendment 64:  Yes
Why: Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a doped-up dreadhead, at least not anymore.  I will say that marijuana saved my life.  I was on many different prescriptions at one point for a misdiagnosis.  These prescriptions depleted my already deficient brain of neurotransmitters, and I attempted suicide twice while in that state.  At one point, the only thing keeping me from 'doing me in' was weed.  It's a medicine, and it should be as readily available to people as possible so people who are unable to afford insurance can at least get some relief of pain/illness.  I do not like how it is being treated as a drug and restricted to persons 21 or older, especially for persons who are younger than that and who use it to fight cancer and such, but I think an amendment could take care of an issue like that.  I also believe that growing hemp for fuel, food, textiles, and paper is a much more renewable option than is growing and cutting down trees, or water-needy cotton for the same purposes.  The best shirt I own is made of hemp, and it's lasted longer than it's organic cotton counterparts.

Amendment 65: Yes
Why:  Corporate personhood is the biggest threat to our Constitutional rights as citizens.  If a corporation is considered a person, with the same rights as you or me, then we have absolutely no level playing ground because they have more money than God, and we as average citizens can't typically get that much money.  Money buys lobbyists, lobbyists tell Representatives how to vote, and voila, you wake up in the Corporate Oligarchy we are all living in.  This amendment will help us take our rights as citizens back and keep large corporate monies out of politics, which will help us regain democracy.  It's a bipartisan issue, and to learn more, go here:

1A: Yes
Why:  Colorado Springs is not only LAME, it's unsafe.  This will help make it more safe.  I don't mind taxation.  If we're gonna play the big-britches game of developed-nation-states, we need to wear the big taxation underpants.  I know it's all fucked up and us poor people will get taxed more, but that means we'll revolt and maybe get off the couch now and again, right?  Give a shit about something other than the current television program, perhaps?  Let's shake it up and increase taxes

1B: Yes
Why: Limiting terms means we have more democratic control.  Limit those motherfuckers as much as possible to hold them accountable while they are our elected representatives.  

4A: Yes
Why:  Fires are terrifying, let's help mitigate them with taxation.

5A: Yes
Why:  Southern Colorado is lame, and our roads make it even more lame.  Let's put some money into making our roads less lame so rockslides don't happen and people can start transitioning from driving slow in the left lane, to driving slow in the right lane.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Botched Birth of a Maddening Thought.

I’ve been using this blog quite poorly, and haven’t been editing every little thing.  One of my favorite writers and researchers uses his blog as a pre-game for seeing if the idea will take, and what people would like or be interested in reading, which helps him in navigating the seas of book-writing.
Forgive that, I was using the blog as a guinea pig, thus you as readers as guinea pigs, and so I wasn’t editing it much.  Sometimes ideas need to get out, and sometimes forcing some sort of social pressure on Self assists that getting-out. Although few humans have made the choice to comment, there does seem to be some interest in what stories I have to share, based upon the frequencies of visits in the last year.
I am a fairly paranoid person, and I think too much.  This has been more of a handicap than an asset to my life purpose, but I now see that is just one perspective, and a rather negative one at that.  I have stories and injustices in my head constantly screaming at me to be acknowledged and shared.  Most of these stories are darker than what is easily conveyed in conversation, and so they have been sitting in my head for a decade or more eating away at my trust of others.  Well, others have helped in the waring down of my trust, but that is not the issue here.  I cannot go on with all the stress of my life and also hold and contain these stories inside my head.  It builds up too much anger, and it isn’t healthy to keep these tales hidden.  The tales are too large for a blog, and I would prefer not to have a ‘serial blog’ unless I have no other choice.  For now, a book will have to do.
This requires considerable encouragement from anyone who considers me or my voice of any value.  It is the first 20 readers who change the course of the writer’s path, which makes your interest very valuable and important to me.  I need encouragement, as for me beginnings have always been difficult.  I was the last kid to remove the training wheels, and I’ve never been blooming with the rest of my peers on the standard path, which makes me second guess myself all too often.  
I prefer to read nonfiction, and fiction hasn’t ever been my favorite thing to read, because most of it isn’t very good.  Lately, I’ve begun to realize that dark psychological murder mystery and conspiracy thrillers will more likely be where my mind will wander each day in weaving tales, and that is a good medium for me to explore in the writing of a novel.  I have an outline for a story centered in my tiny mountain town, Green Mountain Falls.  It will be perverse, it will involve justification, and it will touch base on deeper issues I observe in our culture, namely the abuse of the innocent by persons holding power.  This will be the core of the tale, as I do not wish to waste my life writing unimportant stories that will perhaps bring home bacon but not have any cultural criticism involved.  
I will begin to use this blog as a means of forming and shaping this idea, discussing the writing journey, its obstacles and joys, as well as getting smaller stories out which may not be suitable for a thriller.
That is all.  Thanks for reading, if you are doing so.  I will keep you posted on this idea, and give you snippets of the story so as perhaps you will reveal to me if there is interest in you or in others for such a tale.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Rapidly Realistic and Quite Unromantic Zombie Tale.

Once upon a time, in order to get her partner Beth off her back, Jenny decided she would attempt to write a retarded story about a retarded fear everyone but her seemed to like to indulge in.
The fear surrounded the dystopic posthuman monster category known as zombies.  Jenny didn’t think zombies were very interesting, in fact, she thought they were about the most bland monster anyone could conjure up in their imaginations.  She thought they were about the most absurd form of fear anyone could have, because as a rule Jenny did not think people would devolve, or turn into rabid raging savages as time passed.  The concept of “The Road” was not exactly what Jenny believed would happen in the future, and to drag on and on the likely 1950‘s-imagined-and-created monster which first represented communism and later represented savage capitalism really didn’t interest her at all.
Most of Jenny’s friends loved the idea of zombies.  For Jenny, the Zombie Apocalypse wasn’t something to look forward to, nor was it something that ever seemed even remotely biologically possible.  It goes against all manner of viral life and biology to have something ‘return’ from the dead and walk around, attempting to ingest all other humans and turn it into itself, thus rendering no possibility for long-term life overall, as matter will decay, including zombie bodies.  No one ever goes into the rate of decay of the human body, and the explanations of zombies still existing months after viral infection is completely absurd - the lack of circulation because of the heart stopping would almost immediately result in a rate of decay which would override the viral infection in the brain, thus rendering skeletons, not zombies.  I can hardly imagine a mind such as mine could ever outdo the likes of Larry Blamire in a tale, as I cannot recreate or improve on “The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra,” and that’s about as retarded as a real live zombie possibility would literally be.
So, no, I don’t want to write about zombies.  I mean, all I could say was:
Once upon a time, there was a virus that wiped out the brains of some cannibals in a forest.  This virus, which was actually a prion, but let’s not get too technical as most people can’t even fathom a protein which behaves as though it is biologically capable of reproducing without all the necessary ingredients for the comprehension of ‘life’ according to the ‘experts.‘  So for the sake of the fact that most people reading anything are fairly more intelligent than those who do not read, but most people reading fiction are likely less intelligent than those who read nonfiction as they would prefer to hide in entertainment, and so they don’t want to think, ergo we will call our brain-prion a ‘virus.‘  
This ‘virus’ infected some pigmies who were still maintaining the restrictive shamanistic practice of ritualistic cannibalism.  In so doing, a small number of human beings contracted the illness, because only a few of them were actually allowed to be high enough in the hierarchy to participate in the rite, thus making all of these persons also male.  
The ‘virus’ took several years if not decades to manifest, and when it did, the persons affected were so debilitated by it that they could barely move.  The lack of food going into them resulted in a weakening of the body, as the ‘virus’ caused enough nausea to reduce apetite, due to the fact that it was slowly ingesting brain tissue, which would naturally make these ‘zombies’ dizzy and unable to eat, much less be able to tell their legs to move properly.  
I would imagine the effects of the zombie ‘virus’ would assuredly induce an overall lack of the central nervous system to convey the proper signals to the external organs and limbs of the infected person, creating numbness and tingling, and likely paralysis, which means that the ‘zombie’ would just lie there, moaning and groaning for want of nutrients and water, and eventually succumb to comatose paralysis and death.  If the ‘virus’ at that point switched into its desire to reproduce, and if that reproduction for some bizarre reason took the pathway of induction into another host by way of a bite festering with particulates located in the saliva, well, I suppose the now-paralyzed-semi-corpse would gnash it’s teeth, and most family members would probably have enough agility to avoid a bite from their once virile kindred.  Caretakers of an ill person who dies yet still maintains mobility to gnash and thrash will likely listen to their natural aversion and behave accordingly with avoidance and quite possibly extermination of the ‘mobile’ corpse by way of fire or decapitation.  Such an act of extermination would render the 
‘virus’ unable to reproduce, and there the story would likely end.
If the story did not end there, keep in mind that pigmies live near the equator, so there is a high rate of decay occurring due to the even amount of sunlight, heat, and moisture.  So, chances are this zombie would only last as long as the body was able to avoid decay, and if in the likely possibility these pigmies are living at a poverty level similar to that found in most developing countries, they are living in either squalor, or close enough to natures processes that decay would occur likely even more rapidly than it would in a developed and sterile nation such as the united states.  
If by some random chance the zombie bit and infected another human, chances are that human is either slow, immunocompromised, or stupid, in which case the ‘virus’ would not spread nearly as rapidly as hollywood projections would like us to imagine.  If in the highly unlikely chance that the ‘virus‘ were to infect someone in a developed country, it would be rapidly eradicated due to big-government infringement, and wouldn’t hardly even make the news.  If it hit someplace like the US, it would likely hit a coastal city, which as anyone with half a brain knows, a coastal ecotone means more moisture and thus a higher rate of decay, and once again we run into the inevitable reality that the bacteria which feed on dead flesh would outpace the ability for the ‘virus‘ to populate more hosts, and thus the zombie story ends rather uneventfully and quite unromantically.
The End. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

STOP SOPA/PIPA - Protect Internet from Censorship

What is SOPA?

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA, H.R. 3261) is on the surface a bill that attempts to curb online piracy. Sadly, the proposed way it goes about doing this would devastate the online economy and the overall freedom of the web. It would particularly affect sites with heavy user generated content. Sites like Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, and others may cease to exist in their current form if this bill is passed.

What is PIPA?

The Protect IP Act (PIPA, S. 968) is SOPA's twin in the Senate. Under current DMCA law, if a user uploads a copyrighted movie to sites like Youtube, the site isn't held accountable so long as they provide a way to report user infringement. The user who uploaded the movie is held accountable for their actions, not the site. PIPA would change that - it would place the blame on the site itself, and would also provide a way for copyright holders to seize the site's domain in extreme circumstances.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation laid out four excellent points as to why the bills are not only dangerous, but are also not effective for what they are trying to accomplish:
  • The blacklist bills are expensive. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that PIPA alone would cost the taxpayers at least $47 million over 5 years, and could cost the private sector many times more. Those costs would be carried mostly by the tech industry, hampering growth and innovation.
  • The blacklist bills silence legitimate speech. Rightsholders, ISPs, or the government could shut down sites with accusations of infringement, and without real due process.
  • The blacklist bills are bad for the architecture of the Internet. But don't take our word for it: see the open letters that dozens of the Internet's concerned creators have submitted to Congress about the impact the bills would have on the security of the web.
  • The blacklist bills won't stop online piracy. The tools these bills would grant rightsholders are like chainsaws in an operating room: they do a lot of damage, and they aren't very effective in the first place. The filtering methods might dissuade casual users, but they would be trivial for dedicated and technically savvy users to circumvent.